The Most Effective Way to Save Money on Auto Insurance

Car insurance is one of those expenses that you cannot avoid. If you drive you have to have an auto insurance policy. The policy price can be high if your car is new, or an expensive model, or if your driving record is less than perfect.

So what options do you have? You can shop policy providers. There is a lot of information online, like this blog post, but in the end that is there just to drive leads to the insurance companies and the website is compensated for sending those leads.

Yeah, you can get some information but the prices are going to be pretty standard across the board if you are only pricing out car insurance. That is not the most effective way if you are really trying to drive the cost down. Here are some things to focus on instead that can have a much bigger impact on lowering your cost.

Combine Multiple Policies Under One Company

This is where you can save the most money. Do you have a motorcycle, boat, or multiple vehicles in the house? What about if you are a homeowner – who is your house insurance policy with? Do you rent? If so, who holds your renters insurance policy? Business owner? Are you insured? Do you have a life insurance policy?

You get my point. There are so many different kinds of insurance policies and a lot of people have them with various providers. If you combine everything under one company you are going to get much better rates for all of them.

So not only will you drop your auto insurance cost, but everything else will dip a bit as well, leading to huge savings all over.

Have a Clean Driving Record

If you have a lot of moving violations and/or accidents on your driving record then you are most definitely paying a high premium. A $120 monthly policy can soar to over $300 a month just with a single speeding violation.

There are things you can do to clean up your driving record, so it’s worth exploring those options. What is the worst that can happen? Even if you just remove a few things your cost is going to drop. Don’t be lazy – put in the effort.

Have an Attorney Fight Negative Points

If you find there are incorrect violations on your driving record and you are not able to clear them up yourself you might want to hire a lawyer to handle it. There are several ways they can approach it and sometimes just a letter from them demanding an investigation will lead to a fast removal.

You might have a car wreck lawyer attempt to clear previous violations, especially if you were not at fault. They tend to really have a grasp on the industry. They will know the ins and outs more than a general practice attorney.

save money on car insurance

Audit Annual Mileage

When you enroll in a new policy they ask how much and how often you drive. The milage you provide them is used to determine your risk and rate. If you don’t drive as much these days you might be over paying.

Find out what milage they are basing your policy on and audit your driving. If you are driving less let them know. It’s a fast way to instantly drop the cost of your policy.

Pay in 6 or 12 Month Terms

If you are paying your policy monthly look into 6 or 12 month billing options. Most insurance providers will give a deep discount to those that pre-pay for their annual policy upfront. If you can swing it do it, as it’s an easy way to save.

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